
Follow your dreams for a better future

       Everyone has a dream, a dream is a series of thoughts, a cherished aspiration, and ambition. The dream of a person can guide them achieve their future. Weather they  become a Doctor or a teacher someday. Every one dream about their futures. I have been also dreaming my future like everyone else. Dreams about good life, with lots of money, and a good work. And I will do everything just to achieve those dreams.         Studying well is my first step to achieve my dreams. Be a responsible and industrious student is must. Having a good grades and nice feedbacks about your attitude is also needed. If you really want to pursue your dreams you must do everything just to achieve them. You must follow your dreams and pursue you passion in life. Achieving a good future is not hard. You just need to be patient and be responsible to all your actions. If there's a chance grab it, don't missed the opportunity.          Be better, love your passion and conquer your dreams in life f

117th HS Day of ISNHS

       Another year came and now we are celebrating a wonderful occasion to our school. Its been 117 years when the school was put up and this year we are all gathered to celebrate and rejoice. Parents and Alumni visitors are gathered last March 3 to witness the most exciting performance of the students of Ilocos Sur Nationl High School.        The students prepare a very entertaining dance number. Every grade level perform there own concepts in dancing. They also made there own costumes. In the morning we participate the costume parade. Even though its hot and tiring we enjoyed its so much because we all know  that this is the day that we are performing what we have been practicing in the past 2 weeks. Every body show and put very much effort for this event. As the parade ends, the alumni visitor talk about his journey and his experiences to our school. When the time pass by the field demo begins. The boys and girls per level sepearted. In the help of teachers and talented students

kannawidan 2019

Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern part Luzon. It is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Spanish and Filipino heritage. To show and share their treasure to the heritage and to the whole world,  the locals conceived a festival that highlights these cultural traditions and they called it " kannawidan festival" Kannawidan is an Ilocano term meaning heritage and culture. It marks the 198th foundation at Ilocos Sur, which seperated  the province of Ilocos Norte. Kannawidan festival formally opened on January 29. The festivity features the heritage cultures ago.  This festival is also show of the provinces trade and agriculture products, and is a livelihood training ground for women and students through the department of trade and industry and department of agriculture. From traditional and folk dance to tribal rituals and marching band and many more activities  I can a sure you that kannawidam festival is very exciting and enjoyable. It

" The new me, this new year"

      Before the clock strikes in midnight as if there is a magic in the air. Every body hopes are so high and they can't wait t9 reach those hopes and goals this new year. New year means you are going to be a different person. We have to thrown our new resolutions this year to the universe and you wish that it will grantes it all.    Its good to want and strive to be a better person and I understand that the New year is the perfect time to change and to improve your self. The quote "New Year, New Me" means a lot to me because this year I want to improve my self to be a better person. But, I dont put to much pressure to my self. I made my New years resolutions list and I hope I can do that until the end of this year. I want to change my bas attitudes in the past and give limit to my self. You can say that yu are a new person now when you  are good inside and outside. Even though its not a new year you can be a new peraom. If you are truly true to your self.    The b

change: starts with me

          Change starts wit me, we must all change the way we think and act. I'am resposible for the way I think and act. Maturity starts when we own our mistakes and take the mecessary action of correcting them.            Change is to become different to improve yourself and to change the pass in our own life. Change must start to ourselves. Its not easy to change but we need to embrace this to be a better person in the future. I look back to those masive failures and laugh. But,in the end i've learned that new years resolutions aren't meant to change yourlife, they're just tradition. Its fun to challenge my self and find out how long will last.              Before you change others you mudt begis to yourself you must chabge thoe bad habbits that you're done before. change is a choice it depends to the person.

Reflection 3rd Quarter

      This third quarter is about to end and I can say that its not that easy. We've been through some difficulties to our subject, especially in electronics. Even though sometimes, we cannot understand the lessons easily, we are trying are best to listen to the teacher always. Its been seven months when we started to go to school everyday to learn and to enjoy. Even though I invested a lot of sweat and a little bit of blood to study hard , I can know totally say that I've learned a lot.      Now we are going to end this quarter and I know that we are ready to enter the last grading to our journey of being a Junior High School. This third quarter I can say that this is the most enjoyable grading and the most challenging part of my journey. I will treasure forever all of the lessons that I've learned. I hope that all of us in 10- Maxwell will achieve their goals in life.      

The essence of Christmas

   Everyone is so excited coz they are feeling the cool breeze for this season. Reminding us that the celebration of peace and joy is coming.     Christmas is a time to renew bonds of love. It's a wonderful time to show love, appreciation and forgiveness. Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn't centered on decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is as its core. For me, love is the essence of Christmas. This season should be mean taking quality time with your family and friends. It's about cherishing and celebrating  the love we share. Christmas is also a time to see the world through the eyes of love. It's a time to remember that the world is made up of people like us and to see then for who they are inside. Forgive and forget give love for this coming Christmas. Thank our Jesus and we celebrate together a peaceful and merry Christmas.    We must forget and let go the pain. Show love and forgiveness. Because Jesus did that to us. May we have all a great an