Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

Related image       Equal rights is an amendment to the world that gives equal rights to women and men. Equal rights amendment is a guarantee that sex discrimination is illegal. Equal opportunity defined and refers to the policy of giving everyone the same opportunities to work, and to live to this world

      Discriminating people can cause anxiety that can commits you to suicide. We must respect the rights of one another. Be sensitive to your words and actions that can hurt the person. We don't need to be choosy in hiring our employee's, even though they are not capable because of there physical appearance. We dont have to judge them before we hire them. Give them opportunity to work and to live the the life that they deserve. We must do a research and explain to them that they are not suitable, be nice to them dont just insult them. If we don't respect the rights of one another we cannot achieve the better future.

     Stop judging ,Respect them. Stop discriminating, appreciate them. Stop rejecting, accept them. Respect one another for the future that we deserve.



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