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 "Pagbasa: susi sa magandang kinabukasan", this is the very motivating theme for this year. Reading books is a very important role in our life. Books is one of our sword to achieve our goals and dreams. That's why we are sent to school to learn and to be totally developed and improve our skills to be a great person at the time passes by.

    Nowadays, millenials like me is very addicted to social medias. Instead of reading books like dictionaries and novels. All our time were spent in surfing and searching using our gadgets. If we don't have the to read. we will end up having a difficult life. We should know the saying that every single book can change our entire life to achieve a wonderful future.

      Let us change our old habits that we used to do before to  become a better person today and to the future. Just motivate our self to read and to study hard. Because all of this is for our brighter future. 

PHOTO CREDITS:ttps://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=IVT2W4LtHsTWvgTGxJOIBw&q=reading+books&oq=+reabooks&gs_l=img.1.0.0i7i30l10.85038.85586..89072...0.0..0.146.503.0j4......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67.WDXkZzP98OU


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