July 11, 2018


President- Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

      In the past few years, you won overwhelmingly as the president of the Philippines. At first I'm not quite sure if you can manage the work of a president. But then I realize that you can handle it. I'm very surprise when I saw your performance. Our country really improved so much. You proved your self that you can be a great leader to us. Your efforts to improve the living conditions of the people, despite advances in economic growth and progress have barely benefited by the poorest of the poor. I salute you that you have waged a war an illegal drugs, that has resulted in ruined lives, wrecked homes and destroyed dreams and future. I assure you Mr. President, that I will support you desire to eradicate the drug problem to our country. Like you, I want those unscrupulous persons and groups that make possible the entry of drugs in our country, production and distribution of these illegal substances, to be found, arrested and brought to justice. It seems like you only focuses know on the eradication of the drug problem, and the solution lies merely in the killing of drug suspects. I'am not agree to your solution. we are all Catholics and we all know that killing is bad. It saddens me to see that the majority of the victims of this problem against drugs are the very same poor whose lives your promised to protect and help them. You know that killing is morally and illegal wrong. they don't deserve to die they deserve second change.

       we all know that you would change your mind. I'am happy because you are the leader of this country and we owe you so much for changing this country. thank you so much and may God bless You and Your family. More power!

Sincerely Yours,

Franz Alyssa Bisenio
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur


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